Saturday, October 8, 2011

Giving Breakthrough Testimony

I was a very stingy person. I always wanted to receive and hoard as much as possible to make my life more secure. I always worried about money and I was not happy with my life.

During Hope Church Conference 2011, God changed my heart. One of our pastors mentioned that "Giving is Living". Holy Spirit led me to repent from my old mindsets. I responded to God by giving to the church building fund. I decided an amount that truly represented my heart. It broke my record of giving to God. I felt happy to be a giver.

Since then, God gave me overflowing joy like never before. The joy in my heart surpasses the amount of money I gave to him. God also leads me in ministry, career and relationship. God recently give me a strong burden to reach out not only my immediate family, but also my relatives in the entire family tree as well. I am praying for them regularly.

All glory be to God!

My Conversion Story

I was a very bad person. I ever altered my exam result to cheat my family. I took advantage as the only son in the family and I bullied my two younger sisters. I beat them up when I had a bad day outside my home. I asked them to do many things for my own pleasure. I treated them as my slaves. I did not respect my parents and grandparents. I shouted at them when I didn't get what I wanted.

In my first year studying in Singapore in 2000, I was very lonely. My seniors in the university brought me to church and lifegroup. I was touched by their care and love. By faith, I accepted Christ as I was not satisfied with my life.

My dad objected strongly about my conversion. But God changed my life. My dad fell into debt crisis in 2004 just after I graduated. God enabled me to love my dad. With my dad's limited income and amidst the pressure from money lenders, I helped him clear his debt gradually in a painstaking 3 years. My dad's heart was softened after the debt saga. He called me during one Christmas’s eve to say "Merry Christmas" to me. He knew I was celebrating Christmas and what Christmas meant to me (my parents are staying in Malalysia while I am staying in Singapore). My relationship with my two sisters also improved a lot. We are able to share our hearts and our problems with each other despite our distance.

God is still transforming my life to glorify him more. By faith, you can receive him and experience a transformed life too!