Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Art of Surrendering to God

Surrendering to God means we must learn to "let go, and let God". It's about laughing at ourselves when we make a foolish mistake, face with weakness and failure, feel incapable and powerless. It's about not taking our selves too seriously. It's about acknowledging our shortcomings and inadequacies to learn from each experience.

It's about not dwelling too long in our successes and becoming concerned about our status, recognition, reputation and wealth. It's about moving on to do the next important task God calls us to do.

Surrendering to God also means forgiving others when they offended us. It's about seeking understanding and love instead of judgment. It's about thinking to ourselves, "I know I am a sinful person. Perhaps I did something that created misunderstanding and caused the person to treat me the undesirable way. I must give benefit of doubt to the person. I must seek to know and understand the person better to save and rebuild the relationship"

In other words, surrendering to God is about forgetting ourselves, focusing on God and others.

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